Next wave of the EHS Professional Training Program starts in:


Equine Hanna Somatics®

is the missing link

to working WITH a horse's brain vs. working ON a horse's body...


Equine Hanna Somatics® (EHS)

is the missing link to understanding POSTURE and working WITH a horse's brain vs. working ON a horse's body...


Developed in 1995 by Dr. Eleanor Criswell Hanna Ed.D,

Equine Hanna Somatics® Education is a revolutionary approach to creating Sound, Straight and Happy Horses - naturally.

Equine Hanna Somatics® Education (EHS) is a revolutionary approach to equine training and 'bodywork' based on proven neuroscience. EHS is centered around reversing and preventing chronic tension, poor posture and movement dysfunction to quickly and naturally solve misunderstood or undiagnosed training, performance and lameness issues, without doing any manual manipulation, stretching, massage or strengthening work.

This unique neuro-muscular restoration system relies on pure physiology to help the horse achieve optimum efficiency, balance and range-of-motion through enhanced brain-body integration that gently & naturally causes a normalization of resting muscle tone.

From owners who want a DIY solution, to trainers and competitors in every discipline, to Veterinarians, equine bodyworkers and alternative therapists, this work is increasingly used around the world for rehabilitation, performance enhancement and overall well-being.

Restoring Function & Control to the Thoracic Sling

Finally, my horse can walk like a normal horse! I tried classical dressage, BTMM and in-hand exercises, but nothing worked until now... This work has had a profound effect on my mare, Madeira, over the last 2 weeks since I purchased your Equine Hanna Somatics - Session 1 video course, and I am eternally grateful... READ MORE >

Hear from a Grande Prixe Dressage Trainer

Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel is a top international Grand Prix trainer, rider and coach who has trained out of First Choice Farm in Maryland for the last 36 years. "This approach to gentle body movements has not only made an amazing difference in my ability to manage my back pain, it has made an enormous difference in my riding position. READ MORE >

Assessment & Outcomes of Equine Hanna Somatics

The main objective outcome of Hanna Somatics, is to cause an internally mediated normalization of resting muscle tonus, thereby allowing the individual to return to the natural state of automatic organization, self-carriage and self-regulation of a healthy, living tensegrity system. READ MORE >

Why horses need EHS...

According to the FEI 88% of horses competing are clinically lame, and as you know, most treatments, corrective training or alternative methods only offer inconsistent or temporary results.

WHY? Because the mind and body are not separate, but too often they are treated as if they are. Typical lameness exams or alternative 'treatments' for horses are mostly body-focused, and the real 'root-cause' of most pain, posture issues or movement dysfunction is frequently misdiagnosed, or goes undiagnosed and remains a mystery - UNTIL NOW!

I think I know why you're here - you're passionate about helping horses, but nothing else is working as well as promised, OR you're looking to add a unique approach to your existing equine practice and you're ready to learn about:

  • the real 'root-cause' of most movement and somatic issues (HINT: it's in the brain) and how to fix it with the horses active help

  • where POSTURE comes from and how the nervous system causes bracing, pain, crookedness and compensatory movement

  • how muscles actually work and the truth about 'muscle memory'

  • how to access the exact part of the brain in charge of setting the baseline resting tonus (aka tension) levels in the skeletal muscles of every horse, naturally.

Horse owners, veterinarians & equine practitioners all over the world are using EHS to help horses.

Work somatically with your own horse, find an EHS practitioner, or get certified to upgrade your toolkit and take your professional equine practice to the next level...

DIY Instructional Video

Learn a basic full-body EHS session to help your horse. This is also the recommended prerequisite to the Professional Training Program.

Hands-on Guidance

Find a Certified or Student EHS Practitioner to work personally with you and your horse.

Professional Training

Bodyworkers/DVMs/industry pros: Learn how to become a Certified Equine Hanna Somatics® Educator.

What makes EHS different?

Equine Hanna Somatics® (EHS) taps into the power of the horses own perfectly designed nervous system by activating the powerful natural reflex of Pandiculation.

This work combines proven movement education with an experiential approach that restores balance and relaxation to the horse from within, by going straight to the root of most somatic issues - the brain - to help horses quickly return to and maintain soundness and immediately improve performance.

Equine Hanna Somatics is the only system that teaches you how to harness the powerful natural reflex of Pandiculation to help horses effect rapid and lasting changes ​to their own baseline levels of muscle tension from the highest level of their Central Nervous System (vs. working on the tissues, working with the peripheral nerves, or spinal-cord level involuntary reflex arcs, all of which tend to create temporary results).


Equine Hanna Somatics - Session 1

Watch a full-body Equine Hanna Somatics® session with a horse, and learn how to start doing EHS with your own horse! >>>

"The role of Equine Hanna Somatics® is to help a horse's brain recognize inefficient and unconscious muscle contractions so they can regain conscious control over their own muscles and, therefore, also regain access to their full range of motion, comfort, strength and endurance."

- Alissa Mayer EHSE-C

Get Hands-on Help

Find an EHS Practitioner to work with your horse, or go to an EHS Clinic or Workshop near you.

Same-Day Happy Horse Transformations

Professional Training

Go way beyond the basics by joining the 2-year EHS professional certification program! Upgrade your toolkit to take your equine practice to the next level, for self-development or to start your career helping horses...

Meet your Instructors

Eleanor Criswell Hanna Ed.D


• Creator of Equine Hanna Somatics®

• Creator of Canine Hanna Somatics®

• Creator of Somatic Yoga

• Co-Creator of Hanna Somatic Education®

• Former Director of the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training

I started practicing Equine Hanna Somatics in 1995 after working somatically with thousands of people, and discovered that horses can benefit as much, if not more, than humans can...

Alissa Mayer BSc(Equine) EHSE-C

• Certified Equine Hanna Somatics® Educator (2012)

• Director of the Equine Hanna Somatics Professional Training & Certification Program

• Founder of the Association for Equine Hanna Somatics Education

I have been obsessed with horses for as long as I can remember, and I always knew my career would be in the equine world. When I discovered Equine Hanna Somatics and how incredibly well it worked, it was like I had found my calling...

"It is the most advanced system known for relieving chronic disorders which, otherwise, are untreatable by either medical or traditional therapeutic means.”

- Thomas Hanna, Creator of Hanna Somatics (1990)

Get Started with EHS Today!

Equine Hanna Somatics® is the only system that teaches you how to harness the powerful natural reflex of Pandiculation to help horses effect rapid and semi-permanent changes ​to their own baseline levels of muscle tension.

©2014-2024 Alissa Mayer and Criswell & Mayer Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved. Equine Hanna Somatics® and the EHS Leaping Horse logo are registered trademarks owned by Eleanor Criswell and used on this site with her permission.

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